For maximum scope and convenience, Poui Bloom is divided into varied forums from how to deal with exam stress and pass exams to general discussion topics which may not be academic but are relevant nonetheless.
Our parent site Mediazoneja is focused on Jamaica/Caribbean music and has something for everyone. Wanna chat...we are on 24/7, for authentic reggae/dancehall and DJs...just tune in and for news and information about Jamaica and the Caribbean...we are updating minutely!!
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Of course I would never recommend cheating but you would be surprised what people are prepared to do...
Get advance copies of the exam • break into professor's office • hack into professor's computer • bribe copyist • bribe TA • consult test banks (most commonly maintained by fraternities and sororities). These are copies of tests gained either legally from professors who let students keep tests (this one is not cheating - it's the prof s fault for repeating questions), or illegally by people who don't turn tests back in or take an extra copy while it's being passed out. • if there is more than one section of the class, interview people who took the test in an earlier section. You could bribe several people to each memorize just a few questions and then get together to reconstruct the whole thing after the exam-worthwhile if you share the answers (and cost) with others. • pay for exam answers from someone else who does any of the above.