For maximum scope and convenience, Poui Bloom is divided into varied forums from how to deal with exam stress and pass exams to general discussion topics which may not be academic but are relevant nonetheless.
Our parent site Mediazoneja is focused on Jamaica/Caribbean music and has something for everyone. Wanna chat...we are on 24/7, for authentic reggae/dancehall and DJs...just tune in and for news and information about Jamaica and the Caribbean...we are updating minutely!!
Join the Zone and over 85,000 strong export the very best of reggae/dancehall to be found anywhere on the Net...
***Also, as you browse the PouiBloom, ...we invite you to check out these sites***
Sometimes you'll hear your friends say that they study at mornings or afternoons. You'll even hear some say that they wake up during the wee hours of the morning around 4:00 or 5:00am to study.
The thing about studying is that you have to decide at which time of the day you can take in much information. Not everyone is alike, I don't recommend that you join that bandwagon and study at a particular time becuase all of your friends are doing it. Sort yourself out and decide on what is a good time for you to put in a good three to four hours of study time without any interruptions.