Topic: Mnemonics are a great way to study and recall facts...
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More additional info on mnemonics...they deserve focus because student's don't even begin to understand how they can help in study and exams.
With study they cut study time significantly and improve drastically the rate of retention. In an exam setting a well contructed set of mnemonics can make all the difference.
Here is a simple tip....when the examiner says starting writing quickly jut down your mnemonics and anthing you will like ly forget under exam pressure.
As you ans your questions you can quickly make reference to your jottiings as opposed to going into the memory box. Just think...if you cant recall it will likely lead to anxiety and affect the response to other ques....however, once jotted eliminate that risk altogether...
What mnemonics are, and what they are for
Aids to memory such as acronyms, rhymes, linking information by creating visual images or making up a story, are called mnemonics. Mnemonic strategies have been recommended as appropriate for remembering the following types of information: